
বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১০

How to Get Along with Your Spouse (and Others)

When your spouse does something wrong, how do you react?

Some spouses like to blame. "You really embarrassed me when you told that stupid joke. You make me want to stay at home."

Other spouses prefer to criticize. "You’re so fat it makes me sick."

Getting even is also a favorite response. "Well, because you were flirting with Chris, I decided to flirt with Pat."

By blaming, criticizing or getting even with your spouse, you are trying to be AT CAUSE by putting your spouse AT EFFECT. Unfortunately, putting your spouse AT EFFECT is harmful to your relationship. You start arguments and fights. Just because your parents reacted badly toward each other is no reason you need to continue the tradition.

Cause and Effect

When it comes to situations and relationships, you are either at a cause point or an effect point. When you paint a wall, you are at cause over the paint and the color of the wall. When you spill paint all over your clothes, you are at the effect of that paint.

There are two types of relationships:

1. CAUSE-EFFECT is the most common type of relationship. As in the examples above, you take command of the relationship and put someone else at the effect of you or the problem.

For example, husband John says, "Mary, you ran over the neighbor’s gate. How could you be so stupid?"

John might feel at cause over the gate problem, but Mary will feel effect.

2. In a CAUSE-CAUSE relationship, you assume a cause point yourself AND you allow or encourage others to assume the cause point as well. This idea comes from L. Ron Hubbard who writes:

"If Mary burns the toast, John accepts responsibility for this action. This does not mean that he assumes all the responsibility and leaves none for Mary. It means that he assumes all the responsibility and that Mary assumes all the responsibility, too. They both assume all the responsibility. Under such an arrangement, no one can be blamed. All their attention goes into doing better with the toast, and none of it is wasted in blame.

"Mary runs the family automobile into the neighbor’s gate. The neighbor rushes over in a huff and encounters John in the front yard. The neighbor says, `You just ruined my gate!’ John goes with the neighbor to look at the gate and at the car. Sure enough, there is blue paint on the gate and white paint on the car. The evidence is conclusive. John agrees with the neighbor that the gate has been damaged by John’s car and he asks the neighbor to have it repaired and send him the bill. The neighbor says that the damage is not very great and so he will repair it himself. John lends him the tools and helps him to repair the gate. John insists on buying a can of white paint, and the neighbor says he will enjoy painting the gate on Sunday. He apologizes for being so excited at first. They shake hands.

"John goes into the house, and Mary says, `Dear, I hit the Jones’s gate with the car.’ John says, `Yes, I know. We’ve already repaired it." Mary says, `I’m sorry. I was thinking about the bathroom curtains.’ John says, `That’s all right. What about the bathroom curtains?’ Mary says, I want to dye them blue.’ John says, `That’s a good idea.’

"If nobody is to blame for the damage to the gate, a constructive subject like dyeing the curtains will immediately attract John’s and Mary’s attention, since it represents future action." — L. Ron Hubbard

Cause-cause relations are teamwork at its very best. You and your spouse accept responsibility for all of the actions of each other. You spread an umbrella of responsibility.

Imagine no arguments or upsets with your spouse. Imagine never trading insults or hurtful comments.

Making a cause-cause relationship with your spouse is the road to a happy marriage.

Give it a try!

How to Boost Your Personal Power and Command of Life

You are about to read about one of the most effective self-improvement tools ever discovered. This one technique can do more for your mental strength, job performance and overall competence than dozens of self-help books or motivational seminars.

This simple formula eliminates self-criticism, fear and stress. It is applicable to any situation and works every time. You can use it repeatedly without limitation.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered the KRC Triangle in 1960.


"The points are K for KNOWLEDGE, R for RESPONSIBILITY and C for CONTROL."

"It is difficult to be responsible for something or control something unless you have KNOWLEDGE of it."

"It is folly to try to control something or even know something without RESPONSIBILITY."

"It is hard to fully know something or be responsible for something over which you have no CONTROL, otherwise the result can be an overwhelm."

"Little by little one can make anything go right by




"If one sorts out any situation one finds oneself in on this basis, he will generally succeed."

"By inching up each corner of the KRC triangle bit by bit, ignoring the losses and making the wins firm, a being at length discovers his power and command of life." — L. Ron Hubbard

KRC Triangle Application Recommendations

Select a problem and write it down or type it into your computer. Then write or type the answers for each of these five steps.

1. Raise the Knowledge corner.

How can you increase your knowledge about the problem? What do you need to learn about it? What should you study to better understand the problem?

2. Raise the Responsibility corner.

How can you take more ownership for the problem? What parts of the problem are you responsible for? Can you accept responsibility for the parts you did not cause?

3. Raise the Control corner.

What part of the problem can you control? How could you take a little more control for the other parts?

4. Ignore the losses.

If you focus on losses or failures, they get bigger and more overwhelming. You then pull in even more losses. So find ways to ignore these losses.

If ignoring losses is difficult, try writing them down on a sheet of paper and then destroy the paper. Shift your attention. Stop talking or thinking about them. Avoid people who bring them up. Move on.

If you catch yourself dwelling on losses, knock it off. Put your attention elsewhere. Stop talking about losses. And learn to ignore the failures of others as well.

5. Make the wins firm.

What can you do to make your successes firm? How can you solidify them?

Maybe you can write them down or put them on a wall. Keep a record of your wins. Talk about them to everyone you can. Celebrate them.

Also, make a habit of finding and focusing on the wins of others. The more attention you put on success, the more success you get.

Some of your answers to these questions are easy, enjoyable steps. Do those right now! You will see a sudden improvement in the problem.

Then do the tougher steps you wrote. Once you start on them you will find they are not so tough after all.

If following these five steps does not completely solve the problem, repeat the steps until the problem is gone forever.

As well as solving problems for you, these steps will start to bring out the best in you. You will discover a new sense of command over life that you have always had, but never used.

Use the KRC Triangle to release the real powerhouse you know that you are.

How to Be More Popular

Many people believe the route to success is to be interesting—to show off or act like someone else. For example, many teenagers can’t understand why they are unpopular. They learned as children that to get attention they should act up a little; to be as interesting as possible. Yet acting interesting does not make a teenager popular. To handle their unpopularity, they might decide to despise people or become loners. Or they try harmful acts to gain respect: smoking, drinking, graffiti, shoplifting, drugs, sex, guns and so on.

Acting interesting can ruin your adult life as well. Show-off employees, self-centered managers and pompous business owners rarely do well for long.

The secret to popularity is not to be interesting, but to be interested.

"When a person becomes terribly interesting he has lots of problems, believe me. That is the chasm which is crossed by all of your celebrities, anybody who is foolish enough to become famous. He crosses over from being interested in life to being interesting. And people who are interesting are really no longer interested in life. It’s very baffling to some young fellow why he can’t make some beautiful girl interested in him. Well, she is not interested, she is interesting." — L. Ron Hubbard

If you are an actor on stage, you are interesting while acting. Seminar speakers are interesting. Comedians, models and magicians are interesting.

Yet in real life, on a one-on-one basis, interesting people are irritating. They only do things to get your attention and admiration. They believe they are on stage acting for an audience of one.

If you want people to cooperate with you, to like you or to open up to you, you must be interested.

Instead of focusing on yourself, you start to focus on others. You notice what makes them happy or unhappy. Your attention comes off of you and onto others.

When your thoughts are more on others than on yourself, you feel little stress. You act and respond with more intelligence. Your production level increases and you have more fun.

When you are interested, people love your interest in them. They want to be around you. You are popular.

Five Ways to Be More Interested

1. Strive to shift your attention from yourself onto other people or objects. This is a great stress reliever.

2. Find things about people that interest you. Force yourself to look for interesting things. Soon you will automatically take interest in people without thinking about it.

3. If you catch yourself acting like someone else, you are being interesting. Simply get interested in the person in front of you and you’ll feel more natural. You are most effective when you are simply being yourself.

4. When someone makes you nervous or shy, get interested in them. Take your attention off of yourself and on to others. With practice, you will be calm, even bold.

5. Focus on how you can help others. Let your interest in helping people replace your tendency to act interesting. Your effectiveness and popularity will soar.

The Benefits of Being Unreasonable

You succeed when you are unreasonable. You neither give nor accept excuses. You insist on success.

L. Ron Hubbard defines reasonableness as "faulty explanations." When you agree with faulty explanations, you are too reasonable.

Examples of faulty explanations:

"I can’t repair your furnace today as it might rain." The truth is, the repairman is going to a basketball game.

"None of the staff will work past 5:00." The truth is, the manager does not want to work past 5:00.

"I can’t pay you as I promised as my wife is sick and can’t fix our meals." The truth is, he is spending the money elsewhere.

"We’ll never get this project done today as we’ve never done it in one day before." The truth is, they’ve never tried to get it done in one day.

Why Agree?

If you agree with faulty explanations, you agree to fail. Excuses, justifications and reasonableness produce nothing.

Yet disagreeing often helps you succeed.

"If you can’t fix the furnace today because of the rain, no problem. I’ll see if I can find someone who repairs furnaces, despite the rain."

"I believe lots of people will work past 5:00. You are the manager and need to handle the schedules. Do you need me to show you how to do it?"

"Well, I’m sorry about your wife, but don’t see how that’s related. You agreed to pay me today, so I’ll have to get the money from you right now as you promised."

"So what if we’ve never done a project like this in one day. We are better at this than ever before and I think we can get it done if we get going right now!"

The sun shines, the birds sing and everything improves when you disagree with faulty explanations. The lies disappear, the truth comes out and the solutions are obvious.

As well as being unreasonable about problems with others, you must be unreasonable with yourself. For example, "I’m tired and want to go home early. Too bad! I need to disagree and WAKE UP! I'll take a brisk walk. Today should be a day I can be proud of."

The most important thing you must be unreasonable about is DOWN STATISTICS.

"The one big god-awful mistake an executive can make in reading and managing by graph is being reasonable about graphs. This is called JUSTIFYING A STATISTIC."

"One sees a graph down and says `Oh well, of course, that's-----------' and at that moment you've had it."

"Never JUSTIFY why a graph continues to be down and never be reasonable about it. A down graph is simply a down graph and somebody is goofing." — L. Ron Hubbard

At some point, we have all given or received excuses for stagnant or shrinking statistics. Because these are faulty explanations, no solutions are possible.

"Reading skills are getting worse in the United States because we have too many television channels."

"Our business failed because nobody would buy our stocks any longer."

"No one buys cars from Pete because he’s too old."

However, when you disagree with explanations and find the truth, the solutions are OBVIOUS. Examples:

"Television has nothing to do with reading skills. What else could it be? Oh! Are children taught to use a dictionary?"

"Your business didn’t fail because nobody would buy your stocks. It failed because you didn’t know what you were doing. Do you know how to make a profit? Did you test-market your product? Do you know how to advertise?"

"People do buy cars from older sales people. Was Pete working every day? Has anyone trained him to sell?"


In the examples below, decide which are reasonable explanations and which are the truthful statements.

"I can’t lose weight because (I’m too busy) (I’m lazy and addicted to chocolate)."

"Company profits are soaring because (I’m very charming) (the new computer system doubled our efficiency)."

"I have no money because (I don’t do financial planning) (of the economy)."

"I’m single and lonely because (I don’t get out and meet people) (no one likes me)."

"I can’t find a good assistant because I (have too many jobs) (am not taking the time to find one)."

"I let people boss me around because (I’m kind and caring) (I don’t stand up to them)."

বুধবার, ২৮ জুলাই, ২০১০

The Honest Way to Get Rich

You can get everything you want in life as long as you give others enough of what they want. If you give nothing of value, you get nothing of value. Your method of exchange determines your wealth.

The type of exchange you use determines your financial success. Nothing else you do has a greater impact on your income. L. Ron Hubbard outlines the four types of exchange.

"1. First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off." — L. Ron Hubbard

Examples of this first condition of exchange:

— You pay a $1,000 deposit for a new car. The dealer goes bankrupt. You get no car and no refund.

— A plumber loosens a pipe, shows you the "leak," tightens the fitting, makes noise, charges you $159.

— Someone in your office avoids doing work. Lots of excuses, lots of smoke screen, no work, full pay.

This first exchange condition is basically theft. The second exchange condition is cheating.

"2. Second is the condition of partial exchange. The group takes in orders or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered." — L. Ron Hubbard


— County fair booth promises to show you a two-headed cow, but actually shows an odd-looking skeleton.

— The "$99 Dream Vacation Package" turns out to be a smelly motel room by the freeway.

— Instead of working, an employee reads a magazine, surfs the net or makes personal calls while being paid.

"3. The third condition is the exchange known, legally and in business practice, as `fair exchange.' One takes in orders and money and delivers exactly what has been ordered." — L. Ron Hubbard

Most successful companies and individuals use this principle. Examples:

— You pay for a dozen fresh eggs, you get a dozen fresh eggs.

— A $10-per-hour employee works 40 hours of normal work and is paid $400.

— You pay your power bill and get electricity.

"4. The fourth condition of exchange is not common but could be called exchange in abundance. Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for." "This fourth principle above is almost unknown in business or the arts. Yet it is the key to howling success and expansion." — L. Ron Hubbard

Individuals and businesses who use this fourth method of exchange flourish when others are in trouble.

— You pay an artist for a painting who then frames it for you at no extra charge.

— You invest with a real-estate group expecting a 12% return each year and get 15% instead.

— An employee not only does all of her own work, she trains a new employee, works on her day off when another employee calls in sick and assumes new management responsibilities without demanding more pay.

Employees who give more than expected receive promotions, raises, bonuses and extra benefits. Job security is excellent as they are valuable to the company.

Businesses that exchange in abundance get more referrals than anyone. Investors are anxious to buy its stock. Customer loyalty is guaranteed.

At first, giving more than expected seems unfair. You give extra effort without recognition. You add value to your work or products without anyone noticing.

Yet eventually, you rise to the top. People like working with you above others. Your company is selected above the competition. You earn a reputation of being more than fair.

Instead of trying to get more, work on giving more as your method of operation and see what happens!

Do Fears Block Your Success?

Succeeding is easy if nothing scares you. If nothing makes you hesitant, shy or nervous.

When you do not act, it is probably because of some FEAR. Fear is the inability to face someone or something. When you cannot face an issue, it causes complexity and stress.

For example, if you cannot easily discuss money, you have money problems. Whenever you need to take financial action, you freeze. You end with less money.

If you are an employer and avoid staff problems, production statistics decline. Work becomes serious. Since no one resolves the staff problems, the problems persist while your business suffers.

Avoiding topics with your spouse is the most common reason for marriage problems. Hiding, withholding or suppressing your feelings and thoughts from your spouse is a giant leap toward divorce.

When fears control your life, L. Ron Hubbard points out you are controlled by shadows. If you reach out and take action despite your fears, you will discover how thin and weak the fears really are!

To illustrate this point, Ron wrote, "On Lake Tanganyika* the natives have a very interesting way of catching fish. There on the equator the sun shines straight down through the clear water. The natives take blocks of wood and string them along a long rope. They stretch this rope between two canoes and with these abreast begin to paddle towards the shoal** water. By the time they have reached the shoals, schools of fish are piled and crowded into the rocks and onto the beach. The blocks of wood on the rope make shadows which go all the way down to the bottom of the lake and the fish, seeing the approach of these shadows and the apparent solid bars which they form in the water, swim fearfully away from them and so are caught." (*Lake Tanganyika is located in east-central Africa.)(** Shoal: shallow.)

There are several ways you can blow away the shadows that stop you from succeeding.

One effective method is role playing or drilling. Once you identify the area you have difficulty confronting, you pretend to confront the situation in a role-playing exercise. Drilling allows you to discover which parts of the problem are really problems and which are simply shadows.

For example, you need to ask your boss for a raise. Before talking to him you practice the conversation with your friend. You work out some details, change your approach and work out your best possible presentation. Because you are prepared for the meeting, you are not as nervous.

Another method of reducing fear is to approach the problem with gradient steps. You cut the problem into small bites. You successfully deal with the small parts and thus reach a full resolution.

For example, you need to fill out your tax forms. You’ve done your own taxes before, but this year is more complicated. You earned money in new ways this year and also bought a house. Instead of trying to take on the entire task in one day, you spend one day just working out how to report the new income. You spend another day just figuring out how to deduct the house-buying costs. Pretty soon, you’re down to the routine tax work you’ve done before and finish off the job.

Simply talking about the fear can reduce the effects of fear. After you openly discuss it with someone who listens, the problem often feels less difficult.

For example, you are afraid of flying in an airplane. Your spouse agrees to listen to you and you spill your guts. You describe everything about flying that scares you. After a while, you decide you can fly.

L. Ron Hubbard discovered that talking and listening is a powerful form of therapy when done correctly. He spent years developing an entire technology for one-on-one communication that removes fears for good. See link below.

In many cases, the best approach to dealing with a fear is to close your eyes and jump in. You face the fear without any regard for your feelings and emotions. You might get nervous or even terrified, but once you take the leap, you discover the walls are merely shadows.

Confronting a fear can be tough, but the reward is enormous. Confronting just a small part of a fear is an accomplishment.

Succeeding despite a fear means you have done something you could not do before. And that is real success.

Click here for more information on resolving fear, watch Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Mind.

Goals and Happiness

What makes you happier than anything else you do? Where does real contentment come from?

If you understand and apply the following definition of happiness, you also open the door to unlimited success for yourself, your family and your group.

"Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals. There is an instant of contemplation of the last goal in which one is content. But contentment becomes boredom immediately that new goals do not come to view. There is no more unhappy thing than a man who has accomplished all his ends in life." — L. Ron Hubbard

Examine how three facts, from this definition of happiness, make happiness come and go in your life.

1. "There is an instant of contemplation of the last goal in which one is content."

Think of goals you have reached in the past. Remember how you felt on your wedding day or when you graduated from school or a training course? In each case, you achieved a goal!

Remember those times when you were content with life? Maybe when you started a business or landed a great job? When you paid off your debts?

At every point in your life when you felt content or happy, you can probably find you were either making progress toward a goal or had reached a goal

2. "But contentment becomes boredom immediately that new goals do not come to view."

Without a new goal, you get bored. Boredom leads to stress and misery. For example, planning a vacation is exciting. But toward the end of a vacation many people are bored to tears as they no longer have a goal.

Arguments during honeymoons are common if the newlyweds do not set goals for their marriage.

Planning your retirement and the first day of retirement is a thrill. But the joy of freedom quickly turns to boredom and early death if you do not work on new goals.

"There is no more unhappy thing than a man who has accomplished all his ends in life."

Think of a time you were very bored. Had you completed a major goal without starting a new one? Look at other times you were bored. Examine your goals, or lack of goals, at those times.

3. "Happiness could be defined as the emotion of progress toward desirable goals."

We can use this definition to understand unhappiness as well. When were you last unhappy?

In each case, you probably 1) had no goal, 2) were trying to reach an undesirable goal, or 3) you were making no progress toward a goal.

Using the definition of happiness makes happiness easy to achieve. Simply chose desirable goals and make progress toward them!


The following steps will help you put this definition of happiness to use.

1. List goals you have not yet reached.

Small goals, large goals, old goals, failed goals and current goals. Make a very complete list.

2. Circle those goals that interest you the most.

Drop out the goals that do not excite you as you can’t reach a goal unless it interests you.

However, if an uninteresting goal is vital for you to reach, find ways to get excited about that goal. Examine the goal’s benefits. For example, maybe the goal to "Pay off all debts" does not thrill you until you examine the benefits: Save $5319 in interest this year, financial freedom, less anxiety.

If you cannot find any benefits of the goal, eliminate it.

3. Add new, desirable goals.

Push the envelope of your self limitations and set goals you really, really want. What are your greatest desires?

If you had unlimited time, money and support, what would your life be like? What would you do? What would you have?

If you knew you could accomplish ANYTHING, what would your goals be?

Add these goals to the list.

4. Line up your goals in a logical sequence.

The better your goals align with each other, the more likely you will reach them. For instance, if you have a goal to travel the world for six months this year and another goal to make more money this year than ever before, you might have problems.

However, if you line up your goals, your odds of success are better because your focus is constant. Example of aligned goals: "Finish my training program so I can double my productivity and income." "Help my husband lower our monthly debts so we can spend more time with the kids." "Delegate all of my sales activities to the sales manager so I can open a new office."

5. To complete the procedure and become happier, you now need to start making progress toward your goals.

Big steps or baby steps, any progress is progress.

Plan out next week. Plan out the month of January. Plan your best year ever.

Make a new habit of reviewing your goals each day to keep your attention and efforts aligned with your goals. At the start of each day, ask yourself: What can I do today to make progress toward my goals?

The more progress you make toward your most desired goals, the happier and more successful your new year will be!